
Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter Heath Care

Different Seasons affection for different peoples. Winter is bless for some of us while too tough for some. In winter, taking care of health is the main priority. Wearing warm clothes  is just not enough to survive  winter. Environment temperature directly or indirectly affect us. We should take extra care and precautions.

I would love to share few tips of my knowledge to you all

1. Moistening your skin
Our skin gets dry and dull easily in cold. So, hydrate your skin properly. Apply petroleum  jelly or winter moisturiser(easily available in market) regularly twice or thrice in a day,specially after bath and at night before sleeping. There are different brand moisturiser available in market. We should be very careful while choosing moisturiser as there can be risk of harmful chemical. Review ingredients before purchasing it.

2. Proper Nutrition

Healthy diet should be taken to keep your immunity power strong. Immune system helps us to fight against germs.

3. Hygiene

Hygienic habit should be practiced so that we don't get victim of any serious disease. We  should wash our  hand thoroughly and  properly.

4. Good Quantity  of Water

In winter, generally we prefer hot coffee or tea frequently which means high rate of toxin in body. Drinking a lot of water will drain toxic waste from our body and will also prevent constipation which seems more prevalent in winter.

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